Saturday, April 9, 2011






义工们一投入工作,就不再拥有自己的身份。一个周末,到来祭祀的人群很多, 海会塔里烟气弥漫,义工们为收拾群众祭祀后留下的香烛,个个忙得不亦乐乎。有个老板级的人想用红包打赏,要义工优先为 他提供个人服务,替他抹干净桌上的香灰烛泪。他的建议令义工啼笑皆非。莫说义工不会接受额外打赏,好笑的是那位老板有眼无珠,他不知道那位忙得灰头土脸的义工原来是一家挂牌公司的总经理!我在登记处也遇到有人要给我小费“供斋”,有异曲同工之处。这种以为有钱就能使鬼推磨的腐朽心态不止污辱他人的人格,也显示自己的无知。




Wednesday, March 23, 2011


旧日学生读《寒梅网页》,留下他的电邮邮址要与我联络。他称我为Puan Chew。从他的称呼,我知道他是我在雅比灵国民中学的学生。

我在槟州教书三十年,总共教过三间学校,退休后董事部要我出长独中。最初落脚槟州那两年,我仍“流落”在海的另一边----在北海圣马克中学执教。英校作风的学校,尽管我教的科目是华文,全校上下都称我为Mrs Chew。好不容易申请到槟岛,我被调到国民中学教华文。在马来学校里,从校长、同事、学生到校中员工,人人都称我为Puan Chew。直到我申请到国民型中学,我才成为曾老师。至于称呼我为曾校长的,自然是独中的师生或他们的家属。

其实何止同一个教师在不同源流学校有不同的称呼,每个人在扮演不同角色时也有不同的称呼。一个女人同时是丈夫的“亲爱的”(这还得视夫妻间亲密的程度及多方面的影响而言,香港电视的影迷叫太太为“老婆”、闽南人叫“牵手的”、老夫老妻叫“老的”、刻薄的丈夫叫太太做“黄脸婆”。。。不一而足)、孩子的妈妈、学生的老师、父母则以小名叫她。意识再迷糊,没有人会对不同身份的称呼感到混淆,只是,有时会因为被称呼惯了,误用第二人称作为自称。最近就遇到有被称为师兄、居士或者老师的信徒,与师父通电话时一时疏忽,竟然以第二者的称呼自称。更妙的是我曾听到信徒对师父自称是“xx博士”、“拿督xxx”等世俗的衔头 。




医生、校长、博士、主席的身份虽然被肯定,但是在关系不同的人的嘴里,就不能同日而言。父母肯定不会用医生、校长、博士或主席的称号称呼自己的子女,那个中央医院的医生何需坚持要岳母称他为医生以致闹得老人家含恨而去?还记得有一回,一位旧同事递给我一份文件,要我转交给Mr. Chan。我一头雾水,不知道他指的Mr. Chan是何方神圣?他却也奇怪我怎么会不认识Mr. Chan?弄清楚后才知道是住在我家对门的三弟。从小到大,我只叫他的乳名,从没Mr.过他,怎会联想到Mr. Chan指的是他?可见称号只是方便称呼而做的记号,能助旁人从两个人的称号知道他们的亲属关系、辈分、地位的尊卑、交情的亲疏,如此而已,只要恰对身份,的确是无需太执著。


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


拾金手法过分轻率,有对先人不敬之嫌,新闻见报后引起社会人士震惊。又因埋骨在家族私冢的先人当中,有人曾经是槟城开埠甲必丹,这件后代子孙视为外人没权置喙的“家事”引起历史文化工作者的关注;拾金后坟场地上发现人类骨骸,引来名堪舆师的关注,一时议论纷纷。百年古坟被毁的新闻不但在国内大幅度见报,《台湾时报周刊》也以6大版面专题报导,惊动已移居国外的子孙及犹在国内的后裔,酝酿对峙冲突的局面。纷争从后代子孙直到历史文化工作者 、名堪舆家;从国内直到国外,涉及的层面不小!

Friday, March 11, 2011



Jay为人爽直,谈吐幽默。在英国停留太久,他的一言一行有英国绅士的风度,也给自己取个洋化的名字。虽然与我初次见面,但他从太太谈话中早已熟识我。他来自马来西亚怡保,所以我们有好多共同的话题。与他初见面时是在过农历新年后不久,我给他带去的手信是kuih kapit,一种用糖、椰浆混合米浆,用特制饼模烘成的新年饼食,适合土著的口味,尤其像Jay这样,远离祖国整二十多年的马来土著,Jay在三天内就把一罐饼吃光了。

Jay 在英国完成学业后就一直留在那儿工作,由于一些家族的小误会,他不肯与家人联络,也不曾踏进祖国国土一步,不但护照逾期,他所持的身份证一直没更换,还是上世纪六十年代发出的蓝色的版本。后来,他听说妈妈生病,才动了回国省亲的念头。不知是孝心感动人或是凭他的土著身份,他顺利取得合法证件。没有护照,他一直没法踏出英国,婚后蜜月也只在英国度过。据他的太太说,取得护照那天晚上,他兴奋得抱着护照睡觉。







Wednesday, March 2, 2011




喵喵很害臊,家里来了生人,它就飞一般地觅地躲藏。从前,它总躲在小女儿房里梳妆台下那个特地为它布置的窝,如今则躲进储藏室里 。有时事出突然,它来不及跑进房,也总有办法躲得不见踪影。有一天,点种工人来洗地,它一晃就不见影子。那时储藏室的门还关着,我家地方小,能藏身的地方有限,我们俩寻遍了屋里每个角落,就是找不到它,让我担心了老半天,生怕它是趁我开门时溜出去。谁知工人才一离去,它就奇迹似地出现了,神出鬼没的功夫很了得。

小女儿一回家,喵喵就交回由她打理。只要小女儿迟给它吃早餐或没按时清理它的排泄物,它会跑来找我,喵喵叫着把我引到它的饭碗或供它排泄的沙箱边。大女儿看了好笑,说它很会打小报告,称它为Tell-Tale Cat。喵喵每天早晚各吃一罐罐头鱼,间中则吃猫干粮。只要它没把上半天的鱼吃个精光,我就不给它开晚餐。几次下来,喵喵学乖了,晚餐前必然把饭碗舔得干干净净,然后跑来找我要晚餐,比要妈妈追着喂饭的孩子更善解人意,所以我很疼它。


喵喵唯有的消遣就是跟我的大女儿买给它的香包小老鼠玩,它装模作样地把小老鼠抛上丢下,再扑上前去抓它;有时则紧抱住小老鼠,与它摔跤;只要在地上放几粒乒乓球、几根吸水草,它就不亦乐乎地玩半天。精力太盛,无处发泄时,它用爪猛抓专为它而备,用粗绳缠成的Scratch pad。


Friday, February 25, 2011


Jessica Chew
Travel Journal
Penang, Malaysia
18.9.10 to 3.10.10
Saturday 18.09.10
Off to Penang.
Sunday 19.09.10
We landed in Penang after midnight.We went to the Evergreen
hotel by mini bus.We stayed on level 18 which is
the highest level.We could see the sea through our window
from the 18th floor.
At lunch we ate chicken rice and drank ice tea. Next to the
restaurant there was a biscuit shop.We bought three moon
cakes in the shape of pigs.We also bought three lanterns
in the shape of a bird and a fish.
Then we went to a
temple which had a
large pagoda where
my Ah Kong
(grandfather) was
buried.We prayed
to Ah Kong.
From the top of the Pagoda
we could see views of life
in Penang showing the old
and new developments .We
could see the decorated
roof tops of temples and
where the land was cleared
and stepped out for farming
high in the mountain.
We saw turkeys and a chicken by the side of the road.
Then we went shopping with Ah Mah (grandmother), Kor
Kor(first aunty) and Sean Kor (Second aunty).
Monday 20.9.10
For breakfast we had roti chanai. Mummy had fruit with
chocolate sauce.We went to the reclining Buddha and Burmese
temple. The floor tiles show the lotus flower.We
found English Buddhist books and donated some money
by clipping it on a tree.We also found the pictures in one
of our books on the corridor leading up to this temple, the
pictures tell the life of Buddha.
Tuesday 21.9.10
We went shopping and Ah Mah bought us a tiger toy and
we had lunch at a Japanese restaurant passed food by train.
We went swimming in a pool with a fountain.
Wednesday 22.9.10
Kek Lok si temple, with the largest Goddess of mercy.We
went on a cable car to the top of 200 steps where there
were statues of the Chinese zodiac.We had ice cream and
we fed carp (a type of fish) and turtles.
At night we had the moon cake festival to celebrate the full
moon held in September. One lantern caught fire and burnt
up, so we walked very carefully with our lanterns. At the
dinner we were given two games and they were a monkey
game and Congkak (which is a very traditional game)
Thursday 23.9.10
We had a rest day and went out for dinner where we had
prawns, crab, sea snails and fish. I tried the fish.We were
at the end of the Penang island.We were really meant to be
there to walk on the beach but as always in Penang it was
raining, so we also did not see the sunset. So we just had
dinner then drove for an hour to get home to the hotel.
Friday 24.9.10
Shopping and time to show our ballet to Ah Mah
Saturday 25.9.10
We had fun playing in the playroom.We also went swimming
except not Daddy. That night the whole family met
for dinner we took up four tables and still half the family
was not there. I have 10 aunties and 4 uncles (on Ah
Mah’s side of the family) there were so many there that I
don’t know any of them also because there names are so
hard to say. For example my 3rd great aunty is Sah Ee Poh
and 3rd great uncle is Sah Teow Kong .
Sunday 26.9.10
We just played in the play room .We went to the night markets.
Penang comes alive at night the people eat out at
night and go shopping at night like we did.
Monday 27.9.10
We went to a swimming club for diner
Tuesday 28.9.10
Khoo Kongsi, then we went to little India and we saw the
Indian way of life and landscape (India architecture which
is the style of building}and shops selling Indian wears,
clothes and food.We bought beautiful bracelets.We couldn’t
ride on a trishaw (a bike with 3 wheels and a carriage
for passengers to sit with flowers and umbrella to shade
and decorate) as Ah Mah and Daddy suffered food poisoning.
The food is yummy and I love eating Indian fried
bread called roti chanai. My sister likes cheese naan a thick
Indian bread.
Wednesday 29.09.10
We went to a Penang fishing village and saw very poor
houses where people live on a jetty of planks over the sea
and fish to make money. The boats and houses were very
old. This showed another Penang landscape.We also went
to a fish Aquarium and a temple at the ocean. From here
you could see the fishing village next to huge modern tall
Thursday 30.09.10
Today we are going to the snake temple where there are
snakes that don’t have cages. They would always stay still
there were at least 20 snakes .
We went to another temple and we saw turtles and fish
and a giant footprint that came from an emperor.
Friday 1.10.10
Shopping and family time at Queensbay mall we filled a
whole suitcase. Shopping is cheaper in Penang.
For example:
1RM is 1 x 2/5=40c
10RM is 10x2/5=$4.00
100RM is 100 x 2/5 = $40
Saturday 2.10.10
Get on the plane.
Home sweet home!
The homes in Penang are very different fromAustralia. The houses
looked crowded. Some houses looked run down.We saw animals running
free in the city. We saw cows, chickens and dogs next to busy roads.
There are many cars. Some of the cars do not have safety belts in the
back seat. The cars went faster in Penang.
There are many temples. There are different types of religions.We could
hear prayers 5 times a day.
The temples are all very beautiful. Sometimes we had to pay to see the
We saw many restaurants and eating stalls. Sometimes they were dirty.
The local people eat at these stalls. Sometimes food is sent around by
There are a lot of shops. The shops look bigger and with more things to
The local people starred at my sisters and I because we looked different.
Sometimes they liked to touch our cheeks and take our photos.
The End




Jessica Chew Travel Journal Penang, Malaysia

18.9.10 to 3.10.10

Saturday 18.09.10
Off to Penang.

Sunday 19.09.10
We landed in Penang after midnight. We went to the Evergreen hotel by mini bus. We stayed on level 18 which is the highest level. We could see the sea through our window from the 18th floor.
At lunch we ate chicken rice and drank ice tea. Next to the restaurant there was a biscuit shop. We bought three moon cakes in the shape of pigs. We also bought three lanterns in the shape of a bird and a fish.
Then we went to a temple which had a large pagoda where my Ah Kong (grandfather) was buried. We prayed to Ah Kong. temple which had a large pagoda where my Ah Kong (grandfather) was buried. We prayed to Ah Kong.
From the top of the Pagoda we could see views of life in Penang showing the old and new developments .We could see the decorated roof tops of temples and where the land was cleared and stepped out for farming high in the mountain.
We saw turkeys and a chicken by the side of the road.
Then we went shopping with Ah Mah (grandmother), Kor Kor(first aunty) and Sean Kor (Second aunty).

Monday 20.9.10
For breakfast we had roti chanai. Mummy had fruit with chocolate sauce. We went to the reclining Buddha and Burmese temple. The floor tiles show the lotus flower. We found English Buddhist books and donated some money by clipping it on a tree. We also found the pictures in one of our books on the corridor leading up to this temple, the pictures tell the life of Buddha.

Tuesday 21.9.10
We went shopping and Ah Mah bought us a tiger toy and we had lunch at a Japanese restaurant passed food by train. We went swimming in a pool with a fountain.

Wednesday 22.9.10
Kek Lok si temple, with the largest Goddess of mercy. We went on a cable car to the top of 200 steps where there were statues of the Chinese zodiac. We had ice cream and we fed carp (a type of fish) and turtles.
At night we had the moon cake festival to celebrate the full moon held in September. One lantern caught fire and burnt up, so we walked very carefully with our lanterns. At the dinner we were given two games and they were a monkey game and Congkak (which is a very traditional game) moon held in September. One lantern caught fire and burnt up, so we walked very carefully with our lanterns. At the dinner we were given two games and they were a monkey game and Congkak (which is a very traditional game)

Thursday 23.9.10
We had a rest day and went out for dinner where we had prawns, crab, sea snails and fish. I tried the fish. We were at the end of the Penang island. We were really meant to be there to walk on the beach but as always in Penang it was raining, so we also did not see the sunset. So we just had dinner then drove for an hour to get home to the hotel.

Friday 24.9.10
Shopping and time to show our ballet to Ah Mah

Saturday 25.9.10
We had fun playing in the playroom. We also went swimming except not Daddy. That night the whole family met for dinner we took up four tables and still half the family was not there. I have 10 aunties and 4 uncles (on Ah Mah’s side of the family) there were so many there that I don’t know any of them also because there names are so hard to say. For example my 3rd great aunty is Sah Ee Poh and 3rd great uncle is Sah Teow Kong .

Sunday 26.9.10
We just played in the play room .We went to the night markets. Penang comes alive at night the people eat out at night and go shopping at night like we did.

Monday 27.9.10
We went to a swimming club for diner

Tuesday 28.9.10
Khoo Kongsi, then we went to little India and we saw the Indian way of life and landscape (India architecture which is the style of building}and shops selling Indian wears, clothes and food. We bought beautiful bracelets. We could-n’t ride on a trishaw (a bike with 3 wheels and a carriage for passengers to sit with flowers and umbrella to shade and decorate) as Ah Mah and Daddy suffered food poisoning. The food is yummy and I love eating Indian fried bread called roti chanai. My sister likes cheese naan a thick Indian bread.

Wednesday 29.09.10
We went to a Penang fishing village and saw very poor houses where people live on a jetty of planks over the sea and fish to make money. The boats and houses were very old. This showed another Penang landscape. We also went to a fish Aquarium and a temple at the ocean. From here you could see the fishing village next to huge modern tall buildings.

Thursday 30.09.10
Today we are going to the snake temple where there are snakes that don’t have cages. They would always stay still there were at least 20 snakes .
We went to another temple and we saw turtles and fish and a giant footprint that came from an emperor. and a giant footprint that came from an emperor.

Friday 1.10.10
Shopping and family time at Queensbay mall we filled a whole suitcase. Shopping is cheaper in Penang. For example: 1RM is 1 x 2/5=40c 10RM is 10x2/5=$4.00 100RM is 100 x 2/5 = $40

Saturday 2.10.10

Sunday 3.10.10
Get on the plane. Home sweet home!
The homes in Penang are very different from Australia. The houses looked crowded. Some houses looked run down. We saw animals running free in the city. We saw cows, chickens and dogs next to busy roads. There are many cars. Some of the cars do not have safety belts in the back seat. The cars went faster in Penang. looked crowded. Some houses looked run down. We saw animals running free in the city. We saw cows, chickens and dogs next to busy roads. There are many cars. Some of the cars do not have safety belts in the back seat. The cars went faster in Penang.
There are many temples. There are different types of religions. We could hear prayers 5 times a day.
The temples are all very beautiful. Sometimes we had to pay to see the temples.
We saw many restaurants and eating stalls. Sometimes they were dirty. The local people eat at these stalls. Sometimes food is sent around by bike.
There are a lot of shops. The shops look bigger and with more things to buy.
The local people starred at my sisters and I because we looked different. Sometimes they liked to touch our cheeks and take our photos.

The End
